Blood Bank Management System using Java Swing

The Blood Bank Management System Project is based on Java Swing and connected to the MySQL Workbench database.

Using Software Tools:

Apache Netbeans IDE 14

MySql Workbench



User Interface (UI) Design:

Use Java Swing components (JFrame, JPanel, JButton, JLabel, JTable, etc.) to create the graphical user interface. Design the main dashboard that displays relevant information like available blood types, and user login.

Donor Registration: 

Admin can register a donor using donor-relevant information. Validate the data entered by the donor before saving it.

Blood donation:

A feature has been implemented to record blood donations by donors. Update bloodstock accordingly.

Stock Management:

Display the current stock of each blood type. A feature has been implemented to add new blood units to the stock.

Search and Filter:

A feature has been implemented to find specific donors, or blood types easily.

User Authentication and Access Control:

Implement user authentication to secure sensitive information and restrict access to authorized personnel only. Admin can access the system's functionalities.

Here, The interface of the Blood Bank Management System.



Add Donor:

Add Purchaser:

Search Donor:

Blood Donate and Donor Account:

Blood Purchase and Purchaser Account:

Donation History:

Purchaser History:

Note: Note: Project customization is available

Project Purchase

Project Name: Blood Bank Management System

Price: $15.00

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