Java school management console based

Simple School Management System implemented in Java console based. It allows users to perform various operations related to managing students, teachers, and courses in a school. Here's a breakdown of the code:

  • There are three main classes defined: Person, Student, and Teacher. The Person class is the base class for Student and Teacher classes and contains common attributes like ID and name.
  • The Student class extends the Person class and includes an additional attribute called grades, which is a Map that stores the grades of the student for different courses.
  • The Teacher class also extends the Person class.
  • The Course class represents a course offered at the school. It has attributes like ID, name, a teacher assigned to the course, and a list of students enrolled in the course.
  • The SchoolManagementSystem class contains the main method and serves as the entry point of the program.
  • Inside the main method, a menu-driven interface is implemented using a do-while loop and a switch statement. Users can choose different options by entering the corresponding numbers.
  • The available options include adding students, teachers, and courses, enrolling students in courses, viewing enrolled students for a course, viewing courses of a student, assigning a teacher to a course, removing students, teachers, and courses, adding grades for a student, and viewing student information.
  • Various helper methods are provided to perform the operations corresponding to each menu option.
  • The data is stored in static Map objects (students, teachers, and courses) within the SchoolManagementSystem class.

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