University Management System Java Swing
Using Software Tools:
- NetBeans IDE 8.2
- MySql Workbench
Admin login:
username: admin
password: admin
JFrame Form Classes:
Login Activity Diagram
The Login Activity Diagram of the University Management System shows the flow of admin login activity. Where admin will be able to log in using their username and password. If username and password are matched to the database username and password then forward to the Home page. After login admin can manage all the operations on add student, manage students, take students attendance, see all students attendance, add a course, manage courses, add teacher, manage teachers, take teachers attendance, see all teachers attendance, add students score, manage students score, see all students scores.
A usage method that is used to identify "elaborate" in system analysis and to organize system requirements. The use case is made up of possible sequences of interactions between systems and users related to a specific environment and a specific goal. It is represented using ellipses. Actor is an external entity that makes use of the system being modeled.
For Admin
class:- The driver class for connectivity of MySQL database
“com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver”, after the driver has been registered, we can
obtain a Connection instance that is connected to a particular database
by calling con = (Connection) DriverManager.getConnection();, in this
method, we need to pass URL for
connection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/universityinfo") and name("root") and
password("your database password") .
URL for Connection:- The
connection URL for the MySQL database is
jdbc:mysql://localhost/universityinfo (‘universityinfo’ is the name of
the database).
import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; public class MyConnection { public static Connection getConnection() { Connection con = null; try { Class.forName("com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver"); con = (Connection) DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/universityinfo", "root", "your database password"); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println(ex.getMessage()); } return con; } }
JFrame Components:
JPanel, JLabel, jTextField, JCheckBox, and JButton
We will provide in the login form username and password, our login form will check username and password are matched to the database username and password then forward to the Home page if is it not matched then show JOptionPane.showMessageDialog "Incorrect Username or Password".
JFrame Components:
JPanel, JLabel, jTextField, JTextArea, JRadioButton, JDateChooser, and JButtonIf we want to add a new student, provide student information such as first name, last name, gender, date of birth, phone, and address. Here you have to give an input value for each input field. If we miss the value of a file, show a message "Missing data" even we insert a future date of birth then show a message "No Student From The Future Are Allowed".
If we fill in all the information correctly and click the Add button then the new student information will be stored in the database and show a message "New Student Added Successfully".
JFrame Components:
JPanel, JLabel, jTextField, JTextArea, JRadioButton, JDateChooser, JTable, and JButtonDisplay all the values in a particular field if we click on a specific row in the table. If we want to update any particular row student information first we have to click on that row then we will update the value we want to update.
If we leave a field blank we will not be able to
update then a message will show "Missing data" even If we click on the
add button without selecting any row in the table then a message will
show "No Student Selected"
If we want to remove a student, in the same condition, first we have to click on that row then we will remove the student we want to remove. But notice that if we want to remove a student, that student's attendance will also be removed.
JFrame Components:
JPanel, JLabel, jTextField, JComboBox, JDateChooser, JTable, and JButtonIf we want to give students attendance first, we have to select one by a specific student, then we will be able to give students attendance through a specific date. If we insert a future date then show a message "Future Attendance is Not Allowed"
JFrame Components:
JPanel, JLabel, and JTableShows the attendance of all the students at the table.
JFrame Components:
JPanel, JLabel, JSpinner, and JButton
If we want to add a new course we have to give the name of the course and give the total duration (hours), the duration of the course duration starts from 2 we cannot give less than 2 hours. If the course name already exists then show a message "Course Already Exists" otherwise course add successfully.
JFrame Components:
JPanel, JLabel and JSpinner, Jtable, and JButton
Display all the values in a particular field if we click on a specific row in the table. If we want to update any particular row course information first we have to click on that row then we will update the value we want to update.
If we leave a field blank we will not be able to update then a message will show "Missing data" even If we click on the add button without selecting any row in the table then a message will show "No Course Selected"
If we want to remove a course, the same condition, first we have to click on that row then we will remove the course we want to remove. But notice that if we want to remove a course, that student's score will also be removed of this course.
JFrame Components:
JPanel, JLabel, jTextField, JTextArea, JRadioButton, JDateChooser, and JButtonIf we want to add a new teacher, provide teacher information such as name, gender, date of birth, department, phone, and address. Here you have to give an input value for each input field. If we miss the value of a file, show a message "Missing data" even we insert a future date of birth then show a message "No Teacher From The Future Are Allowed".
If we fill in all the information correctly and click the Add button then the new teacher information will be stored in the database and show a message "New Teacher Added Successfully".
JFrame Components:
JPanel, JLabel, jTextField, JTextArea, JRadioButton, JDateChooser, JTable, and JButtonDisplay all the values in a particular field if we click on a specific row in the table. If we want to update any particular row teacher information first we have to click on that row then we will update the value we want to update.
we leave a field blank we will not be able to update then a message
will show "Missing data" even If we click on the add button without
selecting any row in the table then a message will show "No Teacher
If we want to remove a teacher, in the same condition, first we have to click on that row then we will remove the teacher we want to remove. But notice that if we want to remove a teacher, that teacher's attendance will also be removed.
JFrame Components:
JPanel, JLabel, jTextField, JComboBox, JDateChooser, JTable, and JButtonIf we want to give teachers attendance first, we have to select one by a specific teacher, then we will be able to give teachers attendance through a specific date. If we insert a future date then show a message "Future Attendance is Not Allowed"
JFrame Components:
JPanel, JLabel, and JTableShows the attendance of all the teachers at the table.
JFrame Components:
JPanel, JLabel, JTextField, JTextArea, JComboBox, JTable, and JButton
If we want to give students scores according to the course. First, we have to click on a row in the table and select the student who will be given the score after that select a specific course and give course score.
JFrame Components:
JPanel, JLabel, jTextField, JTextArea, JRadioButton, JDateChooser, JTable, and JButton
all the values in a particular field if we click on a specific row in
the table. If we want to update student score any particular row student
score first we have to click on that row then we will update the score
we want to update.
If we leave a field blank we will not be able
to update then a message will show "Missing data" even If we click on
the add button without selecting any row in the table then a message
will show "No Student Selected"
If we want to remove a student
score, in the same condition, first we have to click on that row then we
will remove the student score we want to remove.
JFrame Components:
JPanel, JLabel, and JTableShows all students' scores at the table. Display student id, first name, last name, course, score, and description.
JFrame Components:
JPanel, JLabel, jTextField, JCheckBox, and JButton
University Management System only admin can able to access this system and admin can able to add more admin. Where admin will be able to log in using their username and password. If username and password are matched to the database username and password then forward to the Home page. After login admin can manage all the operations on add student, manage students, take students attendance, see all students attendance, add a course, manage courses, add teacher, manage teachers, take teachers attendance, see all teachers attendance, add students score, manage students score, see all students scores.